Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

The Magic Headcloth

          A long time ago, there was a king of Medangkamulan that have habits eating human. The king named Dewata The King.
The King                    :(Angry , hit the table) “I am hungry!!!!!.....”(krik..krik)”Heyyy… anyone don’t you listen to me!!”
Musketeer                : (come and scared)” I’m sorry your majesty. What can I do for you? “(tremble)
Dewata                     :”Hey, you!! Where have you been?    I am hungry!! Bring me a human for my meal!”
Musketeer                :”With my pleasure your majesty.”
Than, The Musketeer come to the village and come into a little house
Musketeer                :(TOK, TOK)” Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb..”
Widow                      :”Wa’alaikumsalam wr.wb.”(shock, karak fell down) “Oh my god! My karak!” (clean the karak) “What do you want???”
Musketeer                :” Like usual, I get instruction from the King!”
Widow                      : “What is it? Don’t you say that you want to seize my daughter?!”
Musketeer                : “Yes, of course.”
Widow                      :” Oh, No!! “(Karak fell down again)
Musketeer                : “Where is your daughter! “(ransack the house)
Widow                      :” No!! please!! No!!”
Musketeer                : (in daughter’s bedroom) “Haa!!(dance and happy) I found you!”
Daughter                  : (Shock) “Hhah!! What happened??”
Widow                      : “Please…!! Don’t seize my daughter!!! “(cry)
Musketeer                : (pull daughter’s hand) “Come on! Go with me!”
Daughter                  : “No!! No!! I don’t want! Mom help me!”
Than , The musketeer  take the daughter to the palace to be a king’s meal, The widow became so sad, and she was crying loudly. At the same time Ajisaka who was going around the village heard her crying involuntarily. And he came into her house.
Ajisaka           : “Excuse, me. Hello mom, why are you crying loudly?”
Widow          :”I’m so sad. Because my daughter had seize by The Musketeer to be king’s meal”
Ajisaka           : “What?? Oh my God! I have to do something ! I will fight and kill the king and save your daughter and people in this village.”
Widow          : “Oh, Thank you! As your kindness , you can live in my home and be my son.”
Ajisaka           :” Oh, Thank you very much.”
Afterthat, Ajisaka came to the palace to sacrifice himself.
Ajisaka           : (walk into the king’s room)
Musketeer:” Heyy, you!! How can you come here without permission?”(angry)
The King        : “Wait…!! Calm down!”(say to the musketeer) “Why do you come here a young man? Don’t you afraid I will eat you?”
Ajisaka           : “Oh..Your majesty, I’m willing to be your next meal.”
The King        : (Laugh… :D)” HAHAHA…. Are you crazy? Or hopeless in your life?”(Looking  his appearance)”HMM….  But, I’m not sure with you.”
Ajisaka           : “Yes, maybe. However, I Have a request before you eat me.”
The King        : “HMM… What’s your request before you die a young man? Hahaha…”
Ajisaka           : “Before you eat me, grant me a land! Just enough for my own grave!”
The King        : (Laugh.. :D) “HAHAHA.. your own grave?”(surprised) “OK. I’ll give you enough land for many graves!”
Ajisaka           :” Oh, No your majesty. I just need land that is length of my own headcloth. JJ_”
The King        : “This you shall have. Come, let us measure your headcloth. So that can I HAVE MY MEAL and you can have your grave. Hahaha.. :D”
Ajisaka           : “OK. Your highness.”
            After that , The King prepare the land and asked Ajisaka for going to the land.
The King        :” Hi a young man! This is your land that you want. I have granted what you want. So, let me eat your meal.”
Ajisaka           :  “Oh., please wait your majesty. Don’t be a hurry! Let me unwarp my headcloth. I want you eat me on this headcloth.”
The King        : “Oooh… OKAY..FINE... With my pleasure.”(Smile and walk on the headcloth soon).
After Dewata The King steped on the headcloth. Ajisaka push him until he kept going backward. Step by step, as the cloth kept unraveling. And The King was died because of  the magic headclooth.
            The villagers say thanks  to Ajisaka because he had killed Dewata The King and save the villagers.
Resident 1    :” Oh, Ajisaka. You’re our hero. Thanks very much.”
Ajisaka           :” Oh, No!! don’t say thanks to me. Say thanks to God that send me to save this village.”
Resident 2    : “Oh, yes , of course. Would you mind if you live in this village?”
Resident 1    : “Yes, absolutely. He must stay in this village. He is our new King!”
Resident 2    : “Yes, Yes. You’re our new King.”(Smile and happy J)
            “HIP HIP HORE………. 3X”
To this day, Ajisaka is remembered as the wise ruler who later brought the knowledge of letter to the Javanese.